Projects & Campaigns

Re: Stock (Storyblocks)

Re: Stock is a campaign dedicated to improving representation in stock footage by hiring filmmakers from underrepresented communities to shoot authentic, genuine video that showcases members of their community in a context, a theme, or a setting or two of their choice.

This campaign began in late 2019, early 2020 as a dream that became a full-fledged campaign with ongoing support.

I created the name, the messaging, and copy for this campaign. I wrote the page narrative and copy for the landing page, all announcement copy, email copy, and edited or approved any other copy that went out about it. 

Re: Stock is the campaign I'm most proud of helping create, shape, and execute in my entire career. 

Re: Stock won a gold Anthem award for “Best Brand Campaign”, was nominated for two Webby awards, was featured in multiple first-tier publications, and has been the focus of two years of SXSW speaking engagements. 

Re: Stock Landing Page v1

The first iteration of the Re: Stock landing page when it first launched.

Re: Stock Landing Page v2

The updated landing page for the second wave of our initiative, titled Queer Spaces and Faces.

From Concept to Campaign: How We Brought Re: Stock To Life

I wrote a blog post about how Re: Stock came to life from an internal perspective, and why it matters so much to me as a campaign.

Diversity Is Not A Trend And Re: Stock Proves It

This blog post I wrote celebrates hitting our initial goal for Re: Stock by highlighting the recognition it's received and shares next steps for the initiative.

Maker for Teams

I worked with a cross-functional team to create the messaging for this business-plan exclusive version of SB's online video editor. I created the script for the video shown on the landing page, the copy for the landing page, and in-product copy as a part of this project. I also participated in the brainstorm to name it.

SB for Business

I worked with a cross-functional team to re-brand what used to be "Storyblocks Enterprise" into "Storyblocks for Business." I wrote the copy for the new homepage, along with the five industry pages, wrote the script for the video featured on the homepage, and helped brainstorm the new rebranded name.

40th Anniversary (CCT)

At CCT, they celebrated their 40th anniversary and I suggested revisiting their brand's story to feature in their catalog and on-site. We created a landing page detailing the company's history with an interactive timeline. I wrote all of the copy featured on the page, the page in the print catalog, and email copy for the campaign.

Note: The page has since been updated for their 45th anniversary, but the content largely remains the same as the 40th.

National Dog Day (CCT)

We wanted to find ways to have more customers submit photos of their purchases, so I came up with a campaign for National Dog Day. The campaign asked customers to submit photos of their dogs with their CCT furniture to be featured online and in our catalog. 

The campaign was a huge success and they've continued the running the campaign each year after I left the company in 2018.

Price Increase Campaign (CCT)

In 2016, the company needed to implement a price increase. Originally it was going to be done without notifying members, to avoid any potential blowback, but I suggested trying a campaign with honest, straightforward messaging about the increase. 

I created a price increase email campaign that aided in driving January revenue up 76% from the previous year, with an additional 39% increase in the second year of the campaign.